Saturday, August 24, 2013



We've been to Parker a few times.  RiverDave has even been kind enough to host my brother and I at his place in the keys.  This time, we hooked up with Wheeler.

We love the palm trees in this image


A lot of RDP members know Wheeler.  I did not, prior to meeting him.

He has been one of the nicest and classiest guys on the forum.  I've long wanted to meet him so it was exciting when he agreed to meet us.

Wheeler is a mild mannered, soft spoken, guy who just happens to know everyone.  It's refreshing to meet someone smaller than life.  Instead of building himself up, he presents himself with absolute humility and total respect.  In my opinion, he is a giant.

We will always be grateful for the friendship and kindness he gave so freely.  We left his place much richer for knowing him.

We invited him to our place in Canada but he mentioned something about not liking trees.  lol!  Nonetheless, the offer is open ended.

Steve from Nordic with Ann and Tom

They drive this boat like a PWC

Wheeler arranged for us to ride in the Nordic ski race boat.  It was exciting.  They drive it like a 14 year old on a jet ski.  That's part of what made it an amazing experience.  Go Team Nordic!


If you haven't met Digger, you should.  Digger and Kelly are awesome.

Hal and Kelly became great friends of ours, moments after we met.  They are two of the warmest people you will find.  They treated us to an amazing dinner and a warm evening of conversation that we will not forget.  It was one of the highlights of our vacation.  Hal makes home made salsa that Antonio Banderas would hump open a piñata to put on his breakfast burrito.

We wore shoes in the house to protect from scorpions

This vacation, more than any other we've taken, was about friendships.  We will always be grateful to Wheeler for introducing us to Hal and Kelly.

The scorpion thing is a joke, by the way

Flight Over Parker


We did not expect a flight over Parker but, when the opportunity presented itself, we were super excited.  Ann's face tells the story.  That's how we both felt.

These pictures tell the story of Parker.  It's an Oasis in the desert.  Nothing else to say.

Desert bar

If we had more time, we might have gone to the desert bar for some line dancing or maybe some 2-step.

The People

We became great friends with Wheeler, just like everybody else who has met him.  He is world class.  Digger and Kelly were a pleasure to meet, also.

We met several locals at Badnoch's and Fox's, too.  It was cool to meet Tim from Dirty Deeds Detailing at Badnoch's.

Perhaps the most surprising take-away from Parker was how fantastic every single person we met was.  That includes people who were complete strangers.  The people made this leg of the trip one we'd like to do more often.  Much more often.

If we ever become snowbirds, it will probably be in Parker.  I can't wait to come down each winter with my 1982 Crown Victoria and drive around town with lunacy that can only come from a combination of heat stroke and senile dementia.

The Place

We love Parker.  Of everywhere we went, Parker is closest to the lifestyle we know in Canada at our lake.

The summertime vibe of children playing in the water to cool off, tons of boat activity, and restaurants on the water, made Parker seem like boater's paradise to us.

Wheeler, thank you for everything you have done for us.  :)

1 comment:

  1. Three of the BEST people I've had the good fortune to meet in ALL my years on RDP. My 88 year old Dad winters in Parker at my river pad, I can't tell you how much easier I rest KNOWING that Wheeler, Hal & Kelly are so close by "just in case". Hal & Kelly have my Pop's over for dinner , Wheeler will often do a drive by just to check up on the old guy and all 3 of them are more than willing to lend a hand for whatever.
    "Skyskier" Denny
